Tennis Coach Position Available


We are looking for a club focused, career coach who is willing and able to build on the progress our club has made over the past few years.

Our selected coach will have good communication skills and have the ability to coach all ages and all levels.

The club has annual junior coaching programs that commence at the start of Term 4 and throughout summer. Along with this the club is committed to facilitating and helping the successful coach build tennis at our club. For example, all new, fully paid members will have available to them free tennis coaching.


The desired candidate will have knowledge and be able to deliver/demonstrate:

  • NZ Tennis initiatives eg. Tennis Fit & Cardio Tennis
  • Junior programs eg. Hotshots
  • Club initiatives
  • Coaching certification
  • To work well with children and teenagers (most work will be with these players)
  • Make links with local schools in West Auckland
  • A good working relationship with stakeholders

How to apply:

Please contact Callum Green (Tennis Club Captain)